Ayush Education Group
Ayush Education group is Government Recognized Autonomous Body for Industrial and Vocational Education
and Training Registered Under ITA Act 1882. AEG is an organization with International membership, scope, and presence, Specialized International fully accredited
permanent Diplomatic Mission having principal headquarter in the capital city of India, Delhi and working globally with the mission to make Skilled, Empowered,
Prosperous, Environment-friendly and Crime-free States and working in areas of Global Peace, Human Rights, Social Justice and Empowerment, Research and Media,
Social Equality, Socio- Economic Projects, Global Educational Development, International Cultural Relations, Human Resource Development and their Management,
Cultural Exchange Community, Rural-Urban Development, Skill Development, Stop Child Labor, Turning Waste into Useful Resources, Disaster Management,
NET-ZERO Emissions, Cyber Security awareness, Protect (Public) education systems, teachers, other education employees, students and children against the
negative effects of the debt and economic crises and the implementation of detrimental market mechanisms, Pro-mote the status of the teaching profession, improve
professional standards and terms and working conditions, and counter de-professionalization trends, Challenge the erosion of democratic and social values, and address
gender inequality, racial intolerance and xenophobia through the promotion of human rights, equality and trade union rights for sustainable societies, Sexual Diversity,
Rights of Children, Disability, Woman, Indigenous people, Solidarity Fund, Union Rights and help to Develop Schedule-Tribe or Unprivileged communities etc.